Thursday, January 12, 2006

We live in interesting times

Many of you must have heard of the ancient chinese curse, "May you live in interesting times."

Yet, many of us who do read a bit of chinese have never come across the chinese equivalence of this curse.

In fact, it was quoted from an Eric Frank Russel story, U-Turn, published in Astounding Science Fiction, April 1950.

"For centuries the Chinese used an ancient curse: 'May you live in interesting times!' It isn't a curse any more. It's a blessing. We're scientific and civilized. We've got so many rights and liberties and freedoms that one can yearn for chains for the sheer pleasure of busting them and shaking them off. Reckon life would be more livable if there were any chains left to bust."

And before this, it may have been mentioned Carl Jung, the guy who had dreams of giant phalluses...

You may follow the trail of this mysterious quote here.

Anyway, back to ancient Chinese curse...

We are indeed living in interesting times....

Meltdown in Shanghai

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