Tuesday, May 22, 2007

DM Of The Rings

Re-live the magic of Lord of the Rings here.

Basically, this guy has taken screen-caps (captures) of scenes from the amazing trilogy, and made a comic out of it.

In this comic, the Dungeon Master (the voice in the narrative), has created a game campaign for a bunch of players, who are role-playing the characters of the Fellowship. And he's frequently frustrated by his players in ways only a DM can relate. All the time and effort to create a rich campaign setting, and writing dialogues, but the only thing the players want is killing Orcs and getting XP.

It might take some RPG-ing experience before you can appreciate some of the humor. But the strips are still funny even if you've never gone geek. And the author has a real knack for finding just the right screen-cap for the punchlines.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007



Trailer here!

It's looking very good. But maybe a bit too Pirates, and not enough Fantasy.

And only 3 more months to go to 10th August.
