Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Unlucky Day

Hoping for a quiet day today, three jobs popped up out of nowhere.

Needed to get all of them wrapped up quick, so I can come back to send my parents to the airport.

First, to Shah Alam.

Call came in just as I arrived at the first site. Stopped car by side of road to answer phone. Grasscutter guy worked his way towards me, and slammed a rock directly into my passenger side window, shattering it!

Argument with the landscaping supervisor about whether my car was illegally parked or not. But finally got his company's phone number and the person to talk to to file a claims. But will need a police report too.


And the phonecall? That was from dad. My apartment's power just got cut. I had set up my credit card to auto pay my electric bill a year ago. But had terminated that credit card a few months back... And thus my electric bill had gone unpaid for a couple of months. Cripes. I've got an RM350 deposit with TNB, and the total bill was only half the deposit amount! Where will I find the time to make a police report. Repair my window. And pay the power bill now?


Let's get the work finished first.

Nothing wrong with our equipment. All working fine. But someone had been messing around, and two connections were pulled loose. Fixed the connection and done. But who's the retard that generated the unnecessary work? Those things were sitting there working fine for more than a year, and suddenly two connections came loose?!

Found a bunch of traffic cops writing summons for illegally parked cars as I was exiting building. Got one to tell me the nearest station. Headed there to file a report for my damaged car. Quite a simple process. Saw a sergeant. Was instructed to go to a counter to get a camera guy to snap a pic of the damages and I'll be done.

Reached that counter a few minutes before 1pm. No one around. Lunch. They'll be back at 230pm.


Settle other jobs first. One more in an industrial area in Shah Alam. Then zoomed off to another one in PJ.

The job at PJ was again not our problem. Their keyphone system was acting up. So I just pulled out our equipment and demonstrated that the fault is ENTIRELY the keyphone's fault. And let them call in those technicians and give them no reason to pin the rap on us.


240pm. Zoomed back to Shah Alam. Found cameraman. Received copy of police report. Quickly done.

Zoomed back home to parents and sis.

Cleaned the glass out of the car. Loaded up the luggage, and headed to the airport.

Started raining. And one window missing.


My parents flew from the LCCT. And after that, my sister flew  from the Main Terminal, many km away.

The Main Terminal has very expensive parking. RM3 /hr. After the string of luck today, didn't dare to tempt it further. So, I sucked it in and parked inside. Paid RM9.


Dinner with sis. Lunch for me also. Sent her off.  Headed home, and washed off the day's grit and grime in the silent darkness.
Then I took all the perishables out of my fridge. Parents had gone overboard, and bought me a few kg of char siew and siew yok. Too valuable to risk them spoiling. Took them over to Settler's Cafe, to keep them in their big freezer for a day. Their big boss from Singapore was visiting the franchise, so couldn't hang around to chit-chat.

Back home. Parked my car with the side hugging a wall as tightly as possible, so the door with the broken window can't be opened. Not that there's anything inside worth stealing at all.

No internet. Slept without aircon.


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