Thursday, May 11, 2006

Stupid people & Paris Hilton

I hate stupid people. This is a sentiment that I feel that I do not express often enough. Otherwise, there would've been a lot more people rolling on the ground after a meeting of my Nikes and their grapes.
Example of stupid people here. Also the teeming mobs of outraged parents blaming video games for their own lack of parenting abilities.
I find inspiration from Dogbert.
How many stupid people out there are already threatening my life with their irresponsible driving?! I can justify my actions as preemptive self defence.

On an almost unrelated note... I spent yesterday evening at Borders. Just to see what's new nowadays. There's a bunch of Band of Brothers spin-offs... An autobiography of Paris Hilton. I flipped through it just to plumb the depths of the dizzy blond. The plumb line didn't even get wet, and the plumbum bounced off the surface like a corpse skimming the Ankh-Morpork river.
Then there's a weird series of philosophy books, like Superheroes and Philosophy. Don't know what THAT'S about. Perhaps when I have the time to burn one day... But seriously, what demography was the book targetting? The niche intersection of small subsets of people who actually know the events of the Crisis of Infinite Earths, and also cognizant of the views of Aristotle? Much strange...
But the upcoming Bullshit and Philosophy sounds like something worth waiting for.

Incidentally, I saw a rather pretty girl at Borders. Reading the same Paris Hilton thing. RAPT-ly. Maybe she has the same curiosity and sense of irony as I did, far be it for me to make snappy judgments on strangers. But her hair was already 3 shades from blonde.
Just discovered that a far better place to meet interesting girls is in the pastry or cookbook section. Saw some sweet jailbait there. A really belated discovery. But maybe this knowledge can be passed on to help the younger generations.
The maternity and Feng Shui sections are a poor place for picking up girls, for obvious reasons of course.

Quote of the Day:-
"Mockery is an important social tool for squelching stupidity."
-------Scott Adams------

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