Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Movie: Over The Hedge

Went down to Seremban with a friend, to meet up with another friend there. And being a couple of good Christian boys, there are few options for after dinner entertainment. X-Men III wasn't out yet, and the only movie choice seemed to be Da Vinci Code.

I'm anti-Dan Brown. I read DVC. Not impressed. Couldn't care less about the conspiracy theories. Not offended by the heresy. But outraged that a second rate author like this is getting such big billings. No prose. No style. And when someone had to invoke a Deus Ex Machina more than once (and not for comedic effect), he has utterly failed as a story-teller. Heck, Dan Brown is even specifically mentioned in the above wiki entry!

It was with great reluctance that I finally agreed to watch DVC with them. But while queueing for the tickets, I saw that Over The Hedge had opened, and called a re-vote. Things went my way, and I denied Dan Brown of some royalties!

Over The Hedge is a Dreamworks CGI cartoon. Same guys that did Shrek and Madagascar, but without the big names in the funny business. Which makes the show funnier and more enjoyable. OTH has Bruce Willis, Nick Nolte & Avril Lavigne. Not too bad.

Didn't like Madagascar so much. Cos when you put names like Chris Rock and Ben Stiller in it, all you get are zoömorphic representations of the same two actors. Not that funny. And when you put in Zimmerman too, it's just too painful to watch. The cutest cast in that movie were the mobster penguins.

Over The Hedge, I loved!

The characters are based on the comic strip. I followed this strip for a while almost a decade ago. Needed something to fill the void left behind by Bill Watterson. But cute animals without a 6yr old protagonist just wasn't the same. I was skeptical about the movie, since this is Dreamworks after all... Still, it's gotta be better than DVC no matter what.

But I found myself enjoying the movie immensely. There's a good story written around the cast of the comic strip, and there's plenty of funny moments! Will never be able to forget the fantastic bullet-time sequence! Guffawed almost as loudly as I did at the Road Runner sequence in KungFu Hustle.

Good movie. Must watch!

Speaking of must watch movies... Ultraviolet is not one of them.

Unless you love Milla Jovovich. And that's the only reason to watch the movie.

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