Monday, February 20, 2006

Venusian Sixth Sense...

So... I took a weekend off my gaming, and took a whole day to clean up my apartment. Had been servicing my bikes in the living room, so the floor was quite greasey. And my quarterly mopping was long overdue.

So I took a day to hose down the floors and scrub it till I nearly slipped my disc.

Anyway, the first friend that dropped by saw the cleaning, became immediately suspicious, and asked me who I'm cleaning for?

The next friend that found out that I had been cleaning, also became suspicious, and wondered who's coming to visit.

It seems that the only reason a bachelor will clean, is when he's going to bring a girl he wants to impress.

And when a guy cleans too regularly, he must be gay.

I once had a profound respect for women's intuition. But after some scientific observation, I think it's just a roll of dice on the craps table. If they jump to enough random conclusions as frequently as they buy shoes, occasionally they will make a connection that might strike one as intuitive.

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