Thursday, February 23, 2006

OOTS #285 & Langkawi

In the latest OOTS, Haley's line is:

"You can't understand me, so let me just say that you're a frigid bitch and your thighs look fat in that armor."

Taken me some time to get around to it, cos I just got back from Langkawi.

Will write about that trip, but I have to pack for Sibu tomorrow.

Will explain why I'm going to Sibu, or even where Sibu is, but I also have an assignment that I need to submit before Saturday, and I won't have the internet connection to do that in Sibu.

And I'm also sun-burnt from the hot tropical sun of Langkawi.

And my colleagues were so kind as to arrange a full day for me tomorrow...

Which I'll have to somehow manage despite being crippled cos a Honda Prelude rear-ended me yesterday, just before my flight to Langkawi.


But at least I have a new toy to play with to keep me balanced.

Finally got hold of a GPS! Extremely good 2nd-hand condition, at half the price.

It'll be cool to use it in Hanoi.

Will review my gizmo some time. And explain Hanoi another time too.

Speaking of reviews... am also asked to 'audition' for a game review magazine. Gonna try to come up with a decent game to review. But have been playing so few games lately. Probably did less than 5 games in years.


benauhc said...

Yeah, maybe the GPS will come in handy when we get lost in the hills of northern Vietnam.

Norman said...

The hills of northern Vietnam you say?

Tell me again why we're going to the hills?

I thought you guys were gonna go check out the brides, and I'm there to give creative input.

There'll be hill climbing?! Drats, I'm gonna need shoes, don't I?

benauhc said...

oh, we are checking out the girls from the montain tribes.
so bring along your shoes, in case we get chased by a deranged father.

Norman said...

Shotgun wedding...

Sounds exciting.