Tuesday, March 14, 2006


"That's it. Cats. I don't need men. I'll raise cats and they will stave off the soul-crushing loneliness. Cats are better than men. Cats don't see you as what you could or never will be. Cats view everyone with the same distanced apathy. Cats are honest about the fact their love to you is only because you feed them. And cats, at least, eat bugs you don't want in your home."


I've just spent two nights reading through my archive of Something Positive comics looking for this particular episode.

This one about the Homotron 5000 was what got me into reading web-comics in the first place. And what brought me to the Homotron comic, was this letter on Dan's Data, while I was still neck deep in my technophilia stage.

Something Positive is full of edgy humour that's unfit for mainstream media. But mainstream nowadays is just a lot of recycled crap, and after a while, you've seen them all already. This has wit, drama, friendship, tragedy, violence, pink pussy, a big dose of real-life-sucks & people-are-stupid, relationship advice and truths.

The wit and sarcasm is just gold. I'm grateful that this gem came along only now. If I had read this stuff a decade ago, I might have patterned my 'wit' by it, and I'ld probably have less friends than I do now. But then again, it's not like I've received a single birthday card from anyone in the last couple of years anyway.

PS. Statcounter allows me to see the referring page of who comes in to read my blogs. Yeah, I need a social life, but I derive entertainment from this activity. It's really funny when I see someone who linked here from a Google of "coitus & G-spot". Although I don't remember using that in a sentence before. Anyway, I'm interested to see how "pink pussy" will now rank me on Google. It'll be interesting to see.

Whoops! Speak of the devil. I just got crawled by a Googlebot.
crawl-66-249-72-51.googlebot.com (

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