Wednesday, April 26, 2006

OOTS: #309

Lots of funny cryptograms in the latest Order of the Stick.

Have been getting lax about putting up the translations. But here it is:
Panel 3: Elan, I'm in love with you.
Panel 5: Elan, I'm in love with you. Completely in love. Love, love, love, love!
Panel 7: My dad is being held ransom by an evil dictator. I'm not really in the thieves guild anymore.
Panel 9: I cheat at solitaire. I have a tattoo you've never seen. I kissed a girl once. OK, OK, more than once!
Panel 11: Elan, it turns out I may not be exactly what you would call -

Did you guys know that the best place to get the fastest translation is on the Giant In The Park's own message boards? Check it out here the next time I don't deliver the translations.

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