Monday, June 05, 2006

Movie: Final Destination

Just watched parts 2 & 3 of this franchise.

The movies have an idiotic plot: someone had a premonition of death, a half dozen people cheated Death as a result, Death comes hunting down the survivors in a series of bizarre accidents.

The acting is of the calibre of Dawn of the Dead. Actually, the zombies were a fair bit better. But I've only watched 10minutes of the classic, so I shan't comment too much on that.

But yet, there's a perverse thrill to watching Final Destination. You know who's gonna die. And you know that it's gonna be gory. And yet, the film still manages to keep you on the edge of your seat, and surprise you with Death's machinations.

Everyone who has seen FD2 will agree with me that the air-bag death was the most ironic, and the most memorable.

And the gore is like watching Fear Factor in one of those events where the participants have to bob in a barrel of chum. Seeing heads beheaded, impaled, squished, nailed; bodies impaled, sliced, smushed, toasted etc... It's a perverse and guilty thrill.

Quite a bit of SFX effort had been put into the highway pile-up and roller-coaster disaster. The movies deserve some credit for that too.

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