Friday, December 30, 2005

For Art Lovers

This is Fernando Botero's "Still Life with Violin".

It's the kind of art that appreciates ten thousand times after the death of the artist.

The original of this particular piece of art now graces an office in Jalan Sultan Ismail. It's lovely to see this little glimmer of light to bring a little glow into our neck of the cultural swamp.

Who is this benefactor of the arts? None other than the chairman of MAS, our national carrier.

This man with the rare artistic soul purchased well over 1.5million MYR worth of paintings to upgrade the class of his newly renovated office. Well, when the renovation of the office alone costs 841,515 MYR, only dead man's art can do it justice.

But didn't MAS just post 368Million MYR of losses in the last quarter?

Any one would think, "What the hell, man?! 368 million??"

Why don't they just hire me on as a consultant! I'll only charge them 50k for one golden piece of advice: "Spend 50k to contract a hit on the dumb-ass running MAS, and for a mere 100k investment, MAS will save 2.3million and MORE!"

Maybe there's something in the news to say what's happening.... A search for Datuk Munir will turn up this police investigation.

Defamation? What's this email that he doesn't want people to see?

Well, look no further: MAS, the flying buffet.

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