Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Gush! Gush! Gush!

Just "gotten hold of" a number of movies...

Several Stephen Chow classics, a new episode of Family Guy, Wallace & Gromit and the Curse of the Were-Rabbit, A Bug's Life (always a keeper), and Serenity.

Thought these were perfect movies to play in the background while I work on my DeathJack (see previous blog).

Wallace & Gromit was a fun watch. Couldn't do any painting with that. The whole point of the movie was the clay-mation, so it doesn't make sense to take my eyes off the screen for a second.

Clay bunnies are adorable.

So Wallace & Gromit are running a humane pest extermination business. They catch rabbits from the gardens of their clients, and adopt them, and feed them, instead of giving them myxomatosis and calcivirus. Then Wallace invents something. Wallace gets in trouble. Brave Gromit cleans up the mess and saves Wallace. Wallace eats some cheese.

Your typical W&G adventure. But still well done. It's great to see that there are still people out there in the business of making magic for the children. I was watching Sesame Street for many years before I noticed the metal wire that's always attached to Kermit's right arm.

Now here comes the gush....


...oops! Wrong link! Serenity, now!


It's like watching Star Wars: A New Hope, for the first time.

It's a space sci-fi that isn't CRAP!

You have Hans Solo and the Millenium Falcon and his Wookie, helping Luke rescue his sister Leia, who is wanted by the evil Empire, and hunted by a dude dressed in black.....

Sorry.... I mean, you have Captain Malcolm Reynolds, and the spaceship Serenity, and his human crew, helping Simon rescue his sister River Tam, who is wanted by the evil Alliance, and hunted by a black assassin dude.

The story is written by the guy who created Buffy. And he writes good. Now I regret never having paid any attention to Buffy before.

Serenity is a space opera with very well thought out and developed characters. It's incredible how much story was woven into the universe and each member of the crew in the short 2 hours. Even with the gratuitious space battle, and the Dark Angel/Buffy/Alias-esque super-soldier-chick-kicks-asses action.

Serenity is a really good watch. Already watching it the second time.

Next, must get Firefly.

Meanwhile, my DeathJack is still incomplete....

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