Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Why isn't THIS MOVIE out yet?!

The only thing I can get on the torrent networks is the OST.

Nothing better to do in the meantime than to watch random movies like, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, The Grapes of Wrath and Mulholland Drive.

It's kinda cool to hear someone swear 'Sonova Bitch' in a cartoon movie. I wonder if that was intentional. It's hard to remember the days before the political correctness revolution.

And Grapes of Wrath harkens back to the days before anyone needed to spell out what's correct and what's not. Filmed in 1940, based on some great American literature. (I don't pretend to know what it's about, I kinda never got over Old Man and the Sea, and my reading selections have been geek ever since.) It's almost odd watching a film without flashy special effects, expensive CGI, blood & gore, car chases, explosions, guns (no wait, there were guns...), gratuitious sex scenes, big breasted women, over-emoting actors, etc.

It's a story of a family of farmers driven out of the dust bowl and drive to California to find work. About how tough times were during the great depression. All the actors deliver their lines with an expressionless monotone. A pity they were borned too early. Anyone of them could have been Keanu Reeves.

Can't even talk about Mulholland Drive. Almost 2hrs into it, and it's still not making sense to me. Typical David Lynch. It's all random clips and pieces that don't further the story at all. Like he's just putting to film the weird shit he dreams at night. Including the lesbian fantasy.

I'm done ranting. Back to reading Thud!, where Terry Pratchett satires the tension in the Middle East.

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