Monday, July 03, 2006

Origins Awards

The Origins Awards, are like the Emmies of games, be they role-playing, table-top wargames, boardgames, card games etc...

And check out this year's winner!
WARMACHINE: Apotheosis had been awarded the Game of the Year!!

I still remember those tense months last year, as a bunch of us WarMachiners counted down the days until the game released in September, 2005. Every Saturday, we would sit around and speculate various aspects of the Iron Kingdoms. Hanging on the news leaking out on the forums, discussing the sculpts of the new models being released. Speculating on the mechanics of the new game play. Discussing what we think will happen to the storyline after WarMachine: Escalation from the year before.

Just before September, Wolf's Game Shop even hosted a tournament, with an Apotheosis book as the prize. And I won that one. Not an easy battle, that was...

And when the new range of miniatures featured in the book hit the shelves, things couldn't get any sweeter. They were some of the most ambitious models ever sculpted, and were visually stunning. The gameplay was no disappointment either, as each new WarCaster added unique playstyles to their factions.

Good times....

It's good to see the game I play getting the recognition it deserves.

Note also, the Warmachine miniatures also got the Gamer's Choice for best minis. Which really shows that the company has really captured the hearts of the players out there.

And coming up this September, WarMachine: Superiority.

I've already place an advance PressGanger order for the new epic WarCasters. So far, only two sculpts had been shown, and they look freaking sweet. Hope I'll be the first to show off the new stuff in Malaysia.

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